Master Packager command line support is enabled by using mrp.exe file.
Default location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Master Packager\mrp.exe"
Shows available command lines.
mrp.exe Capture
Create a snapshot in default path: "C:\MRP\Snapshots\Snapshot_timestamp.mrps"
mrp.exe Capture "<snapshot.mrps>"
Create a snapshot in custom path
mrp.exe Capture "C:\MRP\Snapshots\Snapshot_260818_204918.mrps"
Required Parameters:
[-inside;-outside] - CAB location
[-x86;-x64] - MSI architecture
Optional Parameters:
[-Compression <"none; min; normal; max">] - Compression level. Default value "min"
[-CabSize <int>] - Cab file size in MB. Default 300. Max value 2000
mrp.exe Build -FirstSnapshot "C:\Snapshot1.mrps" -SecondSnapshot "C:\Snapshot2.mrps" -inside -x86 -CabSize 300 -Compression none
Required Parameters:
Template Name(s) - One or many space seperated template names. Must follow immediately after command
[-MsiPath] - Path to msi
Optional Parameters:
[-MstPath] - Path to a new or existing mst file
mrp.exe ApplyTemplate Template1 Template2 -msipath "C:\Master.msi" -mstpath "C:\Master.mst"
Required Parameters:
[-email] - E-mail address assigned to Master Packager license key
[-licensekey] - Valid license key
Optional Parameters:
[-allUsers] - adds license for all users
mrp.exe activate -email -licensekey "1234567890"
Disables or enables update notification window for all users.
Required Parameters:
True / False
mrp.exe DisableUpdates true
Converts PSADT package to intunewin format.
Required Parameters:
[-path] - path to the main executable of PSADT
[-waitOneError] - wait for user interaction on errors
mrp.exe PSADTtoIntunewin -path "C:\MyPackage\Deploy-Application.exe" -waitOnError